
everyone starts at the begining


Calligraphy Workshops


WHATS IN A Workshop

I teach in-person private workshops and introduce new lettering enthusiasts to the world of calligraphy.  During our time together we go over the tools, basics and how to continue to grow.

Throughout the 2.5 hour session we explore all the art of calligraphy. All supplies are provided to include pen, nib, ink, ink holder, copy book, downloadable eBook for continued practice, place card and goodie bag for each participant. I always bring a bottle of wine along with me and happy to work with you on refreshments and other beverage options to make an enjoyable night.

As a student you will also get access to continued practice trace sheets and exclusive digital media to brighten your day.

Workshops are conducted in the Fall and Winter seasons. Outside these seasons private workshops can be booked directly.

Pricing starts at $45 a person

8 student minimum


Private One-on-One Teaching

Sometimes on our own journey we try to go it alone, but you don’t have to.  With Zoom lessons we can create a Private One-on-One Teaching experience tailored to your needs.  Take your lettering skills to the next level with some guided evaluation and coordinated practice.

Private sessions start at $150

for a 2-hour block


Free Resources - blog entries for free content

I believe that art can change lives and a price tag should not be an obstacle.  I have been creating live videos where I write, paint and tell others about my process and the artwork I create.  As I have continued to get better at communicating my skills some people have joined in my journey and so the Free Resources began to collect. 

I’m working to build my blog posts to host downloadable trace sheets, digital media and detailed process.  It’s is so going but it’s coming. 

Get exclusive access now by joining my email list. I promise it will not be slammed with spam but monthly content to look forward to and add to your own calligraphy practice.
